RAWW Impact


Nov 2019

Sahas is fighting back
  • Bhandup

The Greater Flamingo, Sahas, rescued near Bhandup Pumping Station by Nandakumar Pawar sir and handed over to us for further treatment and care underwent a two-hour critical surgery.

The Flamingo was injured after it fell off while trying to release itself from an overhead wire.

Sahas was immediately taken to Dr Rina Dev's clinic for its further treatment.

After a week of daily foster care, it was prepped up for a crucial surgery at Dr Rina's clinic.

The surgery was successful however Sahas is still under observation.

It's a long journey ahead for Sahas. Let's keep it in our prayers and hope for the best.

Sincere thank you to all people involved in its rescue, foster and treatment.

#Rescue #Conserve #Coexist